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Merton Pre-School is a friendly Pre-School with an excellent reputation. We welcome new families to come and visit us. 

We aim to provide high-quality care and education for Pre-school children (from 2 years old till they go to school) in a fun, stimulating and caring environment. The staff work in partnership with parents to help children to learn and develop to their full potential. We also aim to add to the life and well-being of the local community and offer children and their parents a service which promotes equality and values diversity.

Please contact the Pre-School to arrange a visit. Once you have visited, you are welcome to take an application form to apply for a place. 










Bored at home - click on this link for some activity ideas: 

 Please, can I remind parents who want their child to get the 30 hours funding, they will need to get a code. This is available from this website:

If you are struggling to get your 30-hour code, this might help you:,529CV,MR7T07,JD44V,1

 For 2 year old funding: 

Information from Services for Young children for parents:  Early years pupil premium - what is it?

Are you eligible for childcare support - Universal Credit? - Click on link




Information from Services for Young Children.  Click here